Sleeping with acid reflux: Dos and Don’ts

Sleeping with acid reflux

While sleeping with acid reflux, it is important to keep your head elevated at an angle. Sleeping at an incline is proven to manage GERD.


Sleep with your torso elevated

Lying down make reflux more likely since gravity no longer helps keep stomach acid down. Because of this, sleeping on an adjustable bed base that lifts your torso helps a lot. Researchers have shown that elevating your torso by at least six inches during sleep can reduce reflux.

Sleep on your left side

Experts recommend sleeping on your side. When it comes to acid reflux, what is the best side to sleep on? For people with acid reflux, being on their left side is the best sleeping position. The left side down reduces reflux episodes and exposure to stomach acid in the oesophagus. For that reason, it is considered the best sleeping position for acid reflux sufferers.


Sleep on your back

Reflux is more likely to occur when you sleep in other positions, including on your back. Sleeping on your back increases your likelihood of having acid reflux.

Sleep lying flat

Whatever your body position, you do not want to lie flat. Your stomach and throat are at the same level when you are lying flat in bed. Consequently, stomach acids can easily flow up your oesophagus, causing Acid Reflux.

Bed and Mattresses for Acid Reflux


Sleep on a mattress that is too soft

A mattress should support you, not allow you to sink too deeply. Keeping your throat and neck above your stomach is the key. While it doesn’t have to be a Firm mattress, it must provide significant support for your body weight.


Sleep on a Wedge Mattresses

It ensures that the upper part of the body is higher than the lower part of the body, thereby reducing reflux.

Where to buy Acid Reflux Wedge Mattress?

The best place to buy Acid Reflux Wedge Mattress is The Old is Gold Store. CLICK HERE TO BUY

Other Tips for Sleeping with Acid Reflux

It is often best to prevent acid reflux in the first place by preventing it from happening! GERD is caused by factors such as alcohol consumption, smoking, and obesity. In addition, the kind of food you eat before bed has a big impact. You should limit your intake of spicy and acidic foods, especially at night. Whatever you eat, allowing your stomach three hours before lying down will allow your stomach to digest and reduce the possibility of reflux. If you suffer from Acid Reflux, try eating a smaller meal in the evening to prevent a flare up.

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